Saturday, February 13, 2010

Baden Powell Cottage at Nyeri, Kenya

On Saturday 13 February we were invited by Elder and Sister Esplin to go with them on a day trip to Aberdares Park. On the way there we stopped to see a little cottage that Lord Baden-Powell lived in until he died. He is the founder of the Boy Scout movement. The house has been turned into a small museum for both Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts. It's part of a small resort called Treetops, named for a treehouse he had built in which to entertain guests. Since Scott and I have both served in Scouting positions, it was exciting to see the museum and read about Lord Baden-Powell. We even had an opportunity to sit in some outside chairs which Baden-Powell built himself.

We saw a beautiful peacock patrolling the grounds and showing off for his lady friends.

The first sign hangs on the outside of the cottage. Many Scouters have sent items from around the world which fill the inside of the living room of the cottage.

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