Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our Wheels & Flat

This is our little diesel truck which has a standard transmission. It's been a trick for Elder Randall to learn to shift with his left hand. Luckily, it is four-wheel drive because some of the areas we travel have very primitive roads. Some of the main roads are pretty rough and dusty.

Our apartment is in this building. We are on the fourth floor (the first floor is the parking garage. We climb 55 steps up to get to our door--an added bonus, extra exercise! Our "flat" is on the left in the picture, the third set of windows from the bottom. You can see our living room window with the dining room window on the right of it and the guest bedroom window on the left. We love our "flat" because there are six of the apartments in this building filled with senior couples.


  1. Wow it actually looks like a nice truck and a nice place! Pretty impressive!

  2. Wow, you guys are set up really nice. You have nice wheels and a nice apartment. It looks like going on a mission is a good way to live your life!!
